Category : Videos

Dumbbell Shrugs

Dumbbell Shrugs

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates how to do Dumbbell Shrugs, a great isolation movement exercise that targets your trap muscles.

Hip Lifts Video Demonstration

Hip Lifts Video Demonstration

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates how to do Hip lifts, a great exercise that targets your glutes, hamstrings and leg muscles.

Standing Alternating Bent Over Rows

Standing Alternating Bent Over Rows

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates how to do standing bent over rows, which primarily target your lats, but also work your lower back.

Shoulder Workout

Shoulder Workout Video

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates 3 exercises that target your shoulders, Arnold Dumbbell Presses, Front Plate Raise and Rocky Presses.

Cardio Workout Jumping Jacks

Cardio Workout Video

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates a series of cardio exercises that will get your heart rate up, improve your overall fitness and endurance, and burn unwanted fat.

One Arm Preacher Curls

One Arm Preacher Curls

In this video, our fitness trainer shows you how to do one arm preacher curls, a great bicep exercise you can do sitting or standing at a preacher bench.

Tricep Stretch

How to Stretch Your Triceps

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates how to do a tricep stretch, an important warm-up exercise to do before working your upper body and arms.

1 Leg Skating Isometric Hold

1 Leg Skating Isometric Hold

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates how to do the 1 leg skating isometric hold, working your ankles, legs, glutes, lower back and shoulders.

Lower Back Extensions

Lower Back Extensions

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates how to do Lower Back Extensions, a great exercise for your lower back, glutes and hamstrings.

Skipping Warm-up

Skipping Warm-up

In this video, our fitness instructor demonstrates skipping as a warm-up exercise. You don’t even have to have a jump rope to skip, you can just pretend.